Our milk is sourced from select, local dairy farms that are part of the Northwest Dairy Association. All of the farms we work with adhere to the the National Dairy Association's FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) program. You can learn more about the program here: www.nationaldairyfarm.com.
Each dairy farm is owned and operated independently, and each farm makes housing, feed and other decisions for the best treatment of their cows, which in turn makes the best milk!
Conscientious dairy farmers know that animal care and contentedness are fundamental to the production of plentiful, high-quality milk. The success or failure of the farm is therefore directly dependent on proper animal care.
There are a large number of farms that utilize pasture grazing as part of their animal care and feeding plan. There are certain times of the year when grazing is not practical, and to do so would be detrimental to the health of the cow. When inside, cows are housed in "free stall barns", which allow the animals to move about freely, while having access to fresh bedding, clean water and feed.